
Sunday, August 29, 2010

Needle Night

We worked on our heart samplers, baskets and Bonnie started a new punch needle. She brought her little bird she just finished, so cute.

Rhonda was knitting a new scarf with this beautiful yarn.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sauder 2010

This year's show was AMAZING! So much color, wonderful design, and more rugs using different techniques.
Kudos to Kathy Wright and her team of worker bees and all those at Sauder Village for making it a great show.
If you didn't get there, put it on your calender now for next year. It's the 15th anniversary, and I'm sure once again, it will be spectacular.
My photos just don't do these beautiful pieces justice, and don't even get me started on the ark and Mary Shephard Burton's tribute.
Even if you are not a rug hooker, this is an inspiring show for anyone who loves textiles and art. (Do you think I was impressed with the show?!)
Hope you enjoy this eye candy!

Nola's booth:

Kim Dubay's creations:

Rebecca's stacks of wool:

Bonnie and Tina from Wool Street Journal in their booth:

Rug Show:

Loved these owls with their hand crafted tiles:

Chair People, so much fun:

Dimensional Snow People:

Mixed media was one of my favorite sections:

More rugs, told you is was great and this is just a few of the pieces:

Mary Shephard-Burton exhibit:

More rugs, have it on your calendar for next year yet?

Bea Brock's punch needle:

I taught a techniques class on Friday, where the ladies added applique, needle felting, and standing wool circle with the hooking. It was lots of fun with A+ students:

Donna Hrkman won a people's choice ribbon for her WWI veteran, well deserved!