
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Hooking in Minneapolis

I just returned after spending a wonderful time with a talented group of ladies in Minneapolis, the Hopkins Rug Artists.  Not only do they hook, but quilt and weave (among other things).  Show and tell was amazing and my hostess had so many beautiful pieces of artwork her home, I wanted to share some of that as well.  I taught several techniques to work in with hooking and it was great when the ladies took off and did their own thing, and then incorporated those techniques into their own pieces.  A trip to the local quilt shop, Eagle Creek also offered lots of inspiration.  Enjoy the pictures!

 This is an amazing weaving by Jan Mostrom -

This bag is from an online business that offers beautiful handcrafted items from indigenous artists -

This piece is a skinnfell done by Jan Mostrom.  Goggle it for more info - it's unbelieveable!