
Friday, September 25, 2015

Sept 24th Needle Night

Great night for catching up and having some good laughs. As you can see the ladies are busy with works in progress and finishing others. More hooking than stitching going on tonite.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sept. 19-20 Woolgathering in Yellowsprings

First let me start by apologizing to all of you that came out to the show looking for me, but I was not there. My friend Amy from Pandora's yarn graciously took over my booth, then let me set up a table of my goods. I could not be there all weekend, had to look after some of my grands. Did get a few pics, and once again it was a great show, soooo much fiber! The last few are of a couple of my wonderful gkids, felting away.
Next year's show is Sept. 17-18 2016.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Monday Night Hooking!

Sept. 15 Hooking Club
After getting the cottage put back together after the Woolkeeper's weekend, had some of the girls in for hooking. Everyone is finishing up projects so they can start their new ones. Thought I'd also share a couple of shots of the cottage, stop by and see what's new.

Wednesday Needle night north.

Here's a couple pics from needle night last week that I didn't get up before leaving. Nan has been busy getting some Halloween projects finished up, just in time.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sept.13 Woolkeepers Hook In, Danville, IN.
Just returned and unloaded after another great weekend at the 12th annual Woolkeepers. Thanks Bev and all your helpers for making it a great show! Loved the new venue, so much room to spread out and watch all that was going on.Love catching up with old and making new friends. Lots of good things to buy, beautiful rugs finished and in the works. Put it on your bucket list for next year!! Enjoy the pics!