Monday, June 6, 2016

June 5 Western Reserve Hook In - At the Beach

Returned home after a great weekend with all these folks at the hook in. This group knows how to throw a party, the theme was carried through out the day, even on the food table.
Mats and table favors hooked to be given away, an amazing number of gift baskets raffled off, great vendors, a rug show and 183 in attendance to hook, shop, and have a good time. Enjoy the pics!


  1. OH MY GOODNESS! 183 people? I can't even imagine the energy of such a large crowd! You were the first national teacher to come here to Utah and our numbers have remained pretty much the same since then. What a wonderful event this must have been!

  2. So many beautiful rugs on display and in progress!

  3. What an amazing event , so many gorgeous rugs !
